Sonshine and I are doing this whole, Retail Wednesday, and I really want to do this post (even though I really don't have time for this right now), so I'm just going to make it really quick, okay? (And I have a post I'm trying to do, but I'm having issues with cameras again, so it might be a little while.)
Anyway. Here is the next installment of Retail Wednesday:
Looking for books...
This happened a while ago, and it is similar to other stories I have told before, but I will try to make it as interesting as possible:
A customer calls saying that she is looking for a book.
"Yes?" I say, waiting.
"Well, it's by some guy named Dobson."
Uh-oh. This is not a good sign. "James Dobson?"
"Yes! That's it!"
"Well, do you know what the name of the book was?"
"Something about parenting," (almost all of his books are on parenting.) "I don't know, I thought it was kinda' expensive" (insert awkward laugh here).
I stare at the phone. So far she has been as helpful as a rabbit on drugs.
I am a bunny on drugs...?
"Well, he's written a lot of books, so I kinda' need a title."
There's a pause.
"Um... Do you know the title?" I ask.
"I can't look it up without the title."
"Fine! I'm going to Borders!" *click*
Mumbling, "They're going to need the title too..."
It was kind of disappointing, because I was hoping she would call Borders and have Sonshine pick up the phone. Because then Sonshine could have gone Karate on her.
Cat-rate Chop!
Then there was the time this older lady came up. She smiled.
"Would you like a cookie?"
"No! Never trust old ladies!" *shove*
I smiled.
I smile like a gorilla. Yay!
"Do you have a book. It is published by such-and-such, is 8 and 1/2 by 11, and has a blue cover."
(Why do they always have a blue cover?)
"You don't know the author or title?"
"No. But it's 8 and 1/2 by 11. There's not a lot of books like that."
I stare at her, unable to scream that I can not look up a book by the publisher, book size, or cover art. Mostly because she is a cute old lady, but also because my boss would probably fire me faster than two speeding grandpas.
"I will beat you, grandpa-man, with my shiny red scooter!"